On today’s show we learn about the Dama Gazelle, a critically endangered mammal native to North Africa, specifically Chad, Mali, and Niger.
Rough Transcript
Intro 00:05
Welcome to Bad at Goodbyes.
On today’s show we consider the Dama Gazelle
Species Information 02:05
The Dama Gazelle is a critically endangered mammal native to North Africa, specifically Chad, Mali, and Niger.
The Dama Gazelle is the largest of all gazelles, standing roughly 3 feet in height measured at the shoulder; it’s roughly 5 feet long and weighs roughly 80-150 lbs. It has a slender build with very long and skinny legs and a slight shoulder hump, housing powerful muscles.
Their fur coloration is reddish-brown on their necks and backs, fading to a creamy tan-ish white on the belly, rump and legs. Their muzzle is creamy white but often speckled with grey, red and brown patches around the eyes, nose, and ears.
They have thin long heads, large black eyes, a whiskered u-shaped nose, and large ears.
Both males and females have two ‘S’ shaped deep black horns that curve back and up from their heads, about a foot and half in length, roughly 1 inch in diameter, and ringed with distinct ridges at the base that smooth to pointed tips at the tops. These are ‘true horns’, a bone core covered in a sheath of keratin (like human fingernails). They’re permanent and don’t shed. The horns grow continuously throughout a gazelle’s life, growing rapidly in youth, slowing as the gazelle reaches maturity, and continuing into old age, getting longer and thicker, but at a much reduced pace.
Dama Gazelle are just like really beautiful. Like noble-looking, with wise and tender faces and lovely markings.
Dama Gazelle have strong eyesight, with large eyes on each side of their head, providing a wide field of view with minimal head movement. They also have highly developed hearing with large, nimble ears that can swivel independently, allowing them to pinpoint the location of what they hear with precision.
Dama Gazelle, like many mammal and reptile, have two scent sensing systems. The main olfactory system and the vomeronasal system. Their main olfactory system works much like it does in the human species, this is big oversimplification but basically airborne molecules enter the nostrils gazelle nostrils/human nostrils, in which their are like millions of olfactory receptor neurons, when odor molecules bind with these receptors it sends a signal to the brain, resulting in a “sense of smell”.
And then the gazelle’s vomeronasal system is a supplemental specialized scent system adapted for detecting pheromones. The Dama Gazelle’s vomeronasal organ is located in the roof of the mouth, behind the incisor teeth. These are two small tubes lined with sensory cells that also connect to the nasal cavity through a narrow duct. So when pheromones enter the vomeronasal organ through the mouth or the nasal cavity, sensory cells detect these chemicals and send signals to the gazelle’s brain.
Interestingly, the vomeronasal system sends signals to the accessory olfactory bulb, amygdala and hypothalamus, brain regions associated with emotions and instinctive behaviors. Whereas the main Olfactory System, sends signals to the main olfactory bulb, then to the olfactory cortex, which is involved in the perception of smells. So these two different scent systems are also interpreted differently through distinct pathways through the brain.
Gazelles release pheromones in their urine, feces, and from glands near their eyes, coding information about sex, reproductive status, and even social hierarchy. These pheromones are foundational for gazelle communication, courtship, and mating. Males use the vomeronasal system to detect fertile females, while females use it to assess the suitability of these potential mates. Pheromones also help gazelles recognize individuals within their herd, mark territory, and detect predators.
So, we can think of the main olfactory system as like general purpose, providing a broad awareness of their environment through airborne scents. And the vomeronasal system is like a specialized “chemical communication” channel, focused on detecting pheromones. For example, the main olfactory system might alert a gazelle to the presence of another gazelle, and then the vomeronasal system would provide more specific information about that individual’s sex and identity.
Dama Gazelle also communicate through vocalization and body language. Scientists have observed snorts and bleats used as alarm calls, and higher pitched bleats that mothers use to communicate with their fawns. And grunts, low-pitched vocalizations used by males during aggressive interactions or sometimes during courtship.
Non-verbal communication through behavior, gesture and body posture also conveys information between individuals and publicly among the herd. Some examples include: Displays of dominance and aggression, like standing in a tense erect posture with nose and horns raised high, or repeated lowering of the horns in a symbolic gesture suggesting head-butting and combat.
We’ve also documented greeting and friendly and familial behaviors like nose-to-nose touching and close sniffing. Also social grooming, the licking and gentle nibbling of the face and neck. And play behavior like running, circling, chasing, high-jumping, and play fighting.
In juvenile play, and also in the presence of predator threat, Dama Gazelle will hop high into the air, stiff leggedly lifting all four feet off the ground simultaneously, in a behavior called by actual scientists pronking. And it is so funny and totally adorable. And pronking serves a vital purpose, evolutionary biologists believe it is a signal, a demonstration to the predator, of the gazelle’s health, agility and speed and an indication to the predator that it has been spotted, that it does not have the element of surprise. A kind of non-verbal communication to discourage the predator from even giving chase.
In the case of the Dama Gazelle those predators include: golden jackal, black-backed jackal, cheetah, spotted hyena, African lion, and homo sapiens.
Dama Gazelle are social animals, living in herds that once ranged in size from a hundred plus individuals, down to small groups of a few family units. During the wet season, when resources are abundant they will gather in larger herds that will sometimes even include other species of gazelle. Then based on food and water availability they migrate for the dry season, forming smaller groups.
Unlike most desert dwellers, Dama Gazelles are diurnal, meaning they are most active during the day, foraging for food and water. They are highly mobile, often traveling long distances in search of grazing areas and water sources. They can go without drinking for extended periods, relying on the moisture content of their food to meet their water needs.
The Dama Gazelle is an herbivore, and opportunistic grazer, feeding on shrubs, desert grasses, and Acacia tree leaves. They are able to stand on their hind legs to reach upper branches.
In the dream, just to see it. In my waking life, it is unlikely i will ever safari, and so, in the dream to see a herd of Dama Gazelle crest a dune, to a wadi soaked in new rain. The speed and grace and communal movement, a dance of life, of living, to hear hoof thud in the barrens, to imagine the impossible beauty of a being thriving. In the dream.
The breeding season for Dama Gazelle generally takes place between August and October, during which males become increasingly assertive, establishing dominance and claiming and marking territory.
They adopt aggressive postures, give chase, vocalize and clash horns with other males, in an effort to ward off competitors and convince females to be willing to mate. A receptive female might receive a mating dance or a demonstration of strength or speed and the male may approach the female with gentle licking or nibbling of the female’s flanks.
Dama Gazelles do not forge long-term breeding pairs. After mating, the male and female typically part ways, the male continuing his pursuit of other mating opportunities, while the female begins to gestate her new fawn.
Gestation takes roughly 6 months, and they give birth in the open, usually within the relative safety of the herd, generally to a single fawn. The mother carries the responsibility of raising her offspring, nursing for the first 3-4 months of life. Within days of birth, the new fawn can stand and take their first steps and their agility and swiftness quickly develop, allowing them to keep pace with the herd in the early weeks of their life.
Mother and fawn form the core of the Dama Gazelle family unit with fawns remaining under their mother’s care for up to a year, learning essential survival skills and finding their place, socially in their herd.
The young reach reproductive age around one to two years, but young males often face a delay in their reproductive success, as they must first develop the strength and experience necessary to compete effectively for mates.
In the wild, Dama Gazelle can live up to roughly 12 years.
The Dama Gazelle is native to arid and semi-arid landscapes of North Africa, from the southern edges of the Sahara Desert to the Sahel region, in Mali, Chad and Niger.
These are vast, open brushlands, with sparse vegetation, grasses, dry riverbeds, sandy soils and sporadic trees. The climate is intense, with summer temperatures soaring into the 100s °F and winter nights dropping into the low 40s °F. Rainfall is scarce, averaging less than 16 inches per year, concentrated in the rainy season.
This is a transitional zone, with the harsh desert to the north and more humid savannas to the south, with a flat topography and plains that extend for miles, occasionally interrupted by low, rocky hills, weathered plateaus and sandy dunes. Riverbeds and low valleys, called wadis, carve the landscape. Dry for much of the year, during the rainy season, wadis channel the rainfall, supporting pockets of vegetation and attracting animals seeking fresh water and sustenance.
The Dama Gazelle shares its arid habitat with Lalob tree, cheetah, Gecko, Aristida grass, vulture, red-fronted gazelle, addax, Acacia tree, Sand Boa, leopard, lion, Ziziphus, panicgrass, eagle, African myrrh, dorcas gazelle, hyenas, Desert Monitor and many many more.
There has been a steep decline in the Dama Gazelle population over the second half of the 20th c. to the present due to domestic livestock overgrazing, and human predation.
Non-native domesticated livestock, like cattle, sheep, and goats, compete with the Dama Gazelle for the limited resources of their habitat. Livestock directly consume significant amounts of the vegetation vital to the gazelle’s diet, potentially leading to malnutrition but more frequently resulting in displacement. The Dama Gazelle has to seek farther afield food sources in less-hospitable environments.
Overgrazing also generally degrades overall habitat quality. Damaging plant roots, compacting the soil, and promoting erosion, making it difficult for native plants to reproduce. So it’s not just direct plant consumption but also these less-obvious longterm impacts further reduce food availability and can disrupt the balance of the ecosystem.
Here in the 21st C, the Dama Gazelle’s top predator is humans, who hunt the gazelle for their meat. For millennia, Saharan nomads have relied on the gazelle bushmeat as a protein stable in their diet. But the more recent use of modern firearms, 4x4 vehicles, and organized hunting parties using contemporary communication technology, has tipped the scales, leading to a precipitous drop in the gazelle population.
And though it is illegal, Dama Gazelles are still sometimes poached for their beautiful horns.
Human induced climate change also poses an immediate threat. Desertification, the expansion of the Sahara Desert, driven by global warming, is further shrinking the Dama Gazelle’s already reduced habitat. Changing weather patterns are expected to exacerbate drought conditions in the region, further reducing the availability of water and food for the gazelle.
The Dama Gazelle has international legal protection and trade of the species is monitored. Three of the current wild populations occur in designated wilderness areas.
There is an extensive international captive breeding program that has been in place for over 30 years. Zoos and sanctuaries in Africa, Europe, and the US have successfully breed and retained thriving population of the gazelle in captivity. This has led to an odd imbalance, there are currently more Dama Gazelle in captivity than in the wild, in fact, there are more Dama Gazelle in Texas, than there are in North Africa.
This is partly because reintroduction efforts have had limited success. For example, a 2015 reintroduction project in Morocco, released 24 Dama Gazelle into the Safia Natural Reserve which resulted in the deaths of three individuals by poaching and seven others killed by domestic dogs from a nearby military outpost. This suggests that the captive-breed animals may not be responding appropriately to potential predators.
Reintroduction efforts continue across North Africa in Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal, Niger and Chad, and the recent successful reintroduction of the scimitar-horned oryx into it native saharan habitat provides a model and some hope for the Dama Gazelle programs.
Nevertheless the Dama Gazelle has been considered critically endangered on the IUCN Red List since 2016 and their population is currently in decline. Our most recent counts estimate that less than 200 Dama Gazelle remain in the wild.
Citations 28:52
Animal Diversity Web at the University of Michigan – https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Nanger_dama/
“Evolution of horn shape and sex dimorphism in subspecies of the Dama Gazelle”. Schreiber, Arnd. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy Vol. 33 No. 2 (2022): 173-186. – https://doi.org/10.4404/hystrix-00561-2022
“Exploring the vomeronasal organ in an endangered antelope species”. Mateo V. Torres, Irene Ortiz-Leal, Andrea Ferreiro, José Luis Rois, Pablo Sanchez-Quinteiro. bioRxiv (bio-archive March 2023) 2023.03.09.531847 – https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.03.09.531847
“Hormonal characterization of the reproductive cycle and pregnancy in the female Mohor gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr)”. Pickard, A. R., Abáigar, T., Green, D. I., Holt, W. V., & Cano, M. Reproduction vol. 122 no. 4, 571–580. – https://doi.org/10.1530/rep.0.1220571
IUCN – https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-2.RLTS.T8968A50186128.en
The Safari Companion: A Guide to Watching African Mammals Including Hoofed Mammals, Carnivores, and Primates. Estes, Richard D. United States: Chelsea Green Publishing, 1999. – https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Safari_Companion/Xqp7poFviNcC
The Mammals of Africa. Vol. 6. Pigs, Hippopotamuses, Chevrotain, Giraffes, Deer and Bovids. Scholte, Paul. Nanger dama Dama Gazelle. pp.382-387. Bloomsbury Publishing 2013 – https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262684087_Nanger_dama_Dama_Gazelle
“Pheromone Sensing in Mammals: A Review of the Vomeronasal System”. Torres, Mateo V., Irene Ortiz-Leal, and Pablo Sanchez-Quinteiro. ANA-TOMI-UH Anatomia Vol 2, no. 4: 346-413. 2023 – https://doi.org/10.3390/anatomia2040031
Smithsonian’s National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute – https://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/dama-gazelle
Wikipedia – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dama_gazelle
If you are interested in learning more about current Dama Gazelle conservation efforts, please look in to Sahara Conservation at saharaconservation.org
Music 30:52
Pledge 35:20
I honor the lifeforce of the Dama Gazelle. I will commit its name to my record. I am grateful to have shared time on our planet with this being. I lament the ways in which I and my species have harmed and diminished this species.
And so, in the name of the Dama Gazelle I pledge to reduce my consumption. And my carbon footprint. And curb my wastefulness. I pledge to acknowledge and attempt to address the costs of my actions and inactions. And I pledge to resist the harm of plant or animal kin or their habitat, by individuals, corporations, and governments.
I pledge my song to the witness and memory of all life, to a broad celebration of biodiversity, and to the total liberation of all beings.